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It has been incredible. literally, the funnest time I’ve had in years. the shows have been amazing. Oliver had a good crowd come out, Cranbrook, even better and Edmonton….my dear, i was star struck. i loved it. I saw some old friends, in fact, i saw a friend i haven’t seen in 15 years. He got the message via facebook and just made the start time. it was an amazing feeling. we went out for dinner afterward and it was awesome. I am resting tonight in Grande Prairie tonight and heading to FSJ for tomorrow. the show isn’t until Friday in Fort St. John so i’ve got some time, and i will be hitting up the local FSJ open mic on Egan’s pub on Wednesday night.

The roads into Cranbrook were some of the worst conditions i’ve ever seen, and i’ve logged 80,000 KMs in the last two years. it was not only a blinkin blizzard it was also the top of the blinkin mountain pass, and also the clouds decided to be lower by about 3000 feet so….pretty much the worst possible conditions all at one time. We prayed the entire trip, but prayed double during this area. We prayed for prayers even. And it was rewarded. On our drive to Edmonton, the roads were incredibly clear. so clear, we made better than normal time getting there. it was so nice, i gave thanks to the prayers of others and gave thanks to the Lord above. Gratitude was in abundance. Cranbrook were actually really great shows, good attendance considering the weather and i sold 4 CD’s at each show. which is doubly better than normal. Edmonton show i sold another 4 CD’s and got to hear a great new artist local to Edmonton, Tyler Collin’s. His music is so good, i am promoting it on here. if i didn’t link it i wouldn’t tell you to listen to it when his CD’s out. i think it was a great set and can’t wait to hear more from him.

I am soooooo tired. 3000 kilometers is a long drive in in 3 days. I am so glad to be safe. I am so glad to be well received. I am so honoured to have such incredible support from family and fans alike. I miss my wife and children. if there was ever a drawback, it would be that they aren’t here with me. Angie and I are, however, talking about doing a tour with our entire family! yes, that will be epic. babysitters anyone!??!?!

be well, keep your prayers coming for success and for safe travels. I’ll be seeing you in area’s to come soon, and thank you so much.

November 29, 2010 / jaredfowler