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We have our first single tune release happening on March 2nd, at the Railway Club. Young Savages is coming out!

My band Jared and the Social Worker start 2019 with a release of our new single “Young Savages” on March 2nd.

It was written for the youth of today and tomorrow. It was inspired by the book written by William Golding called “Lord of the Flies”. The book describes youth on an island, that when left without adult direction, they turn into murderous savages and civilization for them crumbles.

Jared and the Social Worker song “Young Savages” was written as a commentary for children and youth that are raised without parents, or without guidance, without help or direction on how to become better than their teenage selves. They are raised with parents for friends, and with friends as enemies. They have become savage.

“Young Savages” is written for those people that want help, that want supervision, that want stability, knowing that their lives will be better only once they realize the growth they need to go through. I was raised the best way my single mother could. She died of AIDS when i was 15, I was given no parental direction, except that I could choose whatever way I wanted to go. I was a young savage once, and I wrote this song for those that might be just like me.

Enough pontificating, this song plays hard and is sung loud. If you come please chant the chorus with us

“We’re Young Savages!
We’re Just no ones kids
Where are the villages
We are Young Savages!”

March 2nd at the famed Railway Club, my band Jared and the Social Worker are performing our single, as well as original tunes from our up coming EP- “Parade on Fire.”

The show lineup will include:

Keith Kiss Me
Jared and the Social Worker
Cheese Haüg

This day will be the actual release to all digital play for our tune, found across all platforms that play such things amazingly.

Come and Listen to this epic night of music. Share this event if you can’t!
Visit our website for more information and to stay current with all our events, merch, tunes, releases, videos, loves and hatreds.

Like us on Facebook and IG, add me on Facebook, enjoy our music. Do nothing or do everything. Listen to the music though.

My only ask is, please listen to it loud.

Love Jared

Facebook Link Above!

January 19, 2019 / Jared Palfrey