
25 Random things you Didn’t know about me

Music Blog

25 Random THings – My first Truly Exciting Expose!!!!!!!!

by Jared S. P. Fowler on Monday, February 2, 2009 at 5:18pm
To do this, go to notes under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, then click publish.

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I think you are an interesting person and would like to know more about you.

1. i love the Satanic Musical group Danzig, without question i own 4 of his albums and constantly quote him as one of my favorite quotes, “danzig when asked about all of his Satanic music and Followings of the dark side someone asked him ‘Glenn, why is it that you like the Dark so much?’ he simply replied ‘it’s not that i like the Dark…..i just can’t stand the light’

2. i’m not really a dark person but it comes across that way when you can’t hear the intonation in my voice.

3.since i was 9 years old i’ve always had two last names almost interchangeably, one represents the bastard child of a wife and child beater Palfrey (and my legal last name), the other represents my step father’s last name Fowler, a name and man worth having in my family.

4. i have a terrible obsession with the time 12:34 and 12:37. ante meridiem or Post meridiem doesn’t matter, it’s only the time that counts. i will point those two times out whenever i see them, if it’s 1234 then i know it’s a good day, if it’s 1237 then i know that i am off.

5. i have 5 children, from one woman whom i love without bounds and proportions.

6. i am desperately and completely in love with the Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game MMoRPG World of Warcraft.

7. i am at the center of my soul a hopeless romantic. i have 5 girls in my house including my wife and if i do not combat this estrogen through hunting, hiking, cursing, and general grumpy behavior, i will no doubt become spontaneously… a woman.

8. I’m not really that smart when it comes to computers but am a flawless trouble shooter.

9. i have always liked opera, my mother showed me some Pavorotii and he was her favorite, and after that i was hooked.

10. i have trouble sleeping at night, since i was 7, so i’ve always found the silence to be my most creative period. all my best work writing has been done at earliest 1AM.

11. i have never liked 80’s music, even when it was in the eighties

12. i am honestly scared of almost everything, but my least frightening thing has always been people.

13. my best friend from the age of 5 to the age of 9 was a completely mentally retarded boy name Andrew. they say birds of a feather flock together

14. my first live performance as an entertainer was doing a 5 minute standup comedy routine in front of my Elementary school at the age of 11. After that it was all music and theater for me, I’m sure they all laughed but theater was my passion.

15. every 2 years or so, i’ll meet a life long friend for the first time. Angie was one of the first, Rob Didur and my brother are just a few.

16. i have a pen pal in france, his name is guillaume (william), and if he ever makes an honest woman out of his girl i will be going to his wedding.

17. my favorite candy bar has always been 3 musketeers. now it gives me the shakes and sends my diabetes through the roof, but just a bite doesn’t hurt to much.

18. i know and have some of the best friends in the entire world. i’ve always been friends with great people, and if you are able to call me a friend then i am proud to know you.

19. i used to live in arkansas.

20. i met Angie at a Dance when i was 16 years old.

21. I’m attracted strongly to the shape of a pregnant woman’s belly. i have five children remember.

22. i have been having the same zombie dream for like the last 5 years. i save all my friends and family i know and need to kill a few acquaintances along the way.

23. i have for the last 5 years been becoming a connoisseur of Clubhouse Sandwiches in BC. i’ve got a list of the top 25. Just go ahead and ask which one is my number 1.

24. i secretly want Angie to have another child, but i know her body can’t take it…..

25. my favorite thing to do, above the All time Favorite thing, and above performing, and hiking, hunting, 4×4’ing, dancing and guitar’ing, ……
…………………………………………………… making people laugh.

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    • Angie Palfrey You are seriously my favourite person in the whole world. I love you!

      February 2, 2009 at 5:36pm ·
    • Jillian Kirby

      This was seriously an ah ha moment for me Jar!! LOL
      11. Good one!! DITTO!
      14. I freaking remember that… I even remember where I was sitting and the perspective I had. Bizarre.
      18. Love this… great wording.
      …21. You and my hubby Ted should form some sort of club.See More
      February 2, 2009 at 6:28pm ·
    • Chrissy Brook JARED…i totally remember number 14!!! Your little stand up comedy in elementary….so funny….you were always sooo hularious!!

      February 2, 2009 at 7:36pm ·
    • Amy Timberlake I also secretly want angie to have another baby… but for me.

      February 2, 2009 at 7:49pm ·
    • Jillian Kirby Woo… I secretly want Angie to have another baby too…. but just for me to photograph!! LOL

      February 2, 2009 at 10:54pm ·
    • Angie Palfrey Wow…and here I was thinking that Jared was the only one who wanted my baby.

      February 2, 2009 at 11:01pm ·
    • Jillian Kirby Oh come on Angie… this isn’t about YOU.

      February 2, 2009 at 11:04pm ·
    • Angie Palfrey Jill…you don’t want a Palfrey baby, they wiggle too much and would make it difficult for you to take their picture…and Amy…you’ve already got Zigglet…the last thing you need is a Wigglet to add to the fam!

      February 2, 2009 at 11:06pm ·
    • Jillian Kirby Yeah but they’re so freakin’ cute!!!!

      February 2, 2009 at 11:12pm ·
    • Amy Timberlake LOL, so true. But if we did it my way, it’s wouldn’t be a wiggly Palfrey. It would be a tiny Timberlake.

      February 3, 2009 at 6:28am ·
    • Angie Palfrey I love you both…but my final answer is HECK NO!!!!!!!!!!!

      February 3, 2009 at 8:24am ·
    • Richard Haire ‎#23 – I’m dying to know!

      February 3, 2009 at 9:31am ·
    • Jared S. P. Fowler Richard, the simple answer is Milestones, they have a Turkey Club on Cranberry bread with Bacon, Guacamoli, Tomoato, and Turkey the real stuff, and so many good things. it’s amazing, also on the way to Ft. Nelson is a little place called buckinghorse river, that has a small diner that makes a very close second.

      February 3, 2009 at 10:12am ·
    • Sarah Massey Shaw enjoyed the read… I’ve read a few now and don’t know if mine can be as cool.

      February 4, 2009 at 6:13pm ·
    • Sarah Massey Shaw oh by the way you are my friend

      February 4, 2009 at 6:14pm ·
    • Jared S. P. Fowler Sarah you make me laugh and i’m glad we are friends….because i am proud to know you.

      February 4, 2009 at 9:43pm ·
    • David F. Taylor wow….this is quite interesting….makes me want to write down 25 things about me….can i do that? 25 is alot….

      April 15, 2009 at 11:16am ·
    • Jared S. P. Fowler you can do it Dave. make it happen Captain.

      April 15, 2009 at 11:18am ·
    • Debbie Jo Willard I love this!

      April 15, 2009 at 11:30am ·
    • Jared S. P. Fowler Debs, we love you then!

      April 15, 2009 at 11:31am ·
