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Finally we are starting to see some progress, well to hear progress at least! The first single we are releasing from our album, is called Last Time Around.

It is a emotive love song that was written for Angie while I was away from her. I was sitting on a porch and had my guitar in my lap, and a person walked by the fence in front of me. I went to stand up because i thought it was Angie! I sat down and strummed three chords, F, Am, and G, and sand the words “I saw you there”.

My friend and band mate Chris helped work on the chorus and harmonies, with the final singing done by Angie herself for the win. Below is the final youtube link for free listening, and this tune is available on all platforms. please enjoy and let me know what you think!

April 8, 2024 / Jared Palfrey

Friends, Fans, Fam, my best wishes are that you are fantastic. If you are fantastic, then I know you are in the right head space.

Anything less that outstanding won’t do.

The past few pandemic years have been challenging to make music for me on a personal level. Keeping the financial status quo has been hard, and many other things have joined our focus. How ever for the past 2 years exactly, with my most loving wife, and extended family, we’ve been creating new music. Vocally speaking, this music is the best we’ve ever created. Angie together with myself on vocals, have created such epic sound scape, that I think it’s the best music we’ve ever created.

I’m excited and want you to know, that soon more music is coming. Jan 2024 will hold our glory.

Look for the brighter golden lining to all your dark clouds, and you’ll forever find the riches you seek.

Love JP

December 29, 2023 / Jared Palfrey

Covid sucks, and deserves to die a horrible death! We released another Album during COVID and didn’t tour, didn’t get pysched, did do shows, didn’t do anything we wanted to, but that’s ok. because the music got out and that’s what we love. So to get fully stoked on life we are making more music. here is a link to the old ones however.

Move On – YouTube

‎My Ledge Still Waits – EP by Jared and the Social Worker on Apple Music

Jared and the Social Worker – Topic – YouTube

July 18, 2023 / Jared Palfrey

Crew, We have a new Album EP released today! It’s title is Parade on Fire, it’s been a long time coming, and full of all the tunes you’ve heard us play in the last 3 years. funky, rock ballads of fun and excitement, mixed with a ton of somber contemplation and angst! Enjoy and find us somewhere on social media and let us know what you think of it!

Jared and the Social Worker - Parade On Fire – This is the easiest method to find our music!

April 3, 2020 / Jared Palfrey

Friends, Jared and the Social WOrker have been invited to play at the world famous international festival of sound and musicianry, the Vancouver International Jazz Festival! We are playing a full band, full sound set at the Railway Stage and Beer Cafe on June 21st, 2019. door is at 8PM. We will be fired up, new songs are being released every month on all platforms, so come watch if you care to do so, and share this event if you don’t!

love Jared

PS here are some other important stuff!

Spotify Channel:

Youtube Channel:

Facebook Event Page:

June 13, 2019 / Jared Palfrey

Friends, I hope you are doing well. I’ve written up an advertisement on Facebook. I did this because the show is happening at the famed Railway Club which is now rebranded as “Railway Stage and Beer Cafe.” It’s the Same place since 1932. This show for my band, Jared and the Social Worker, will be a release of our first single from our Debut EP “Parade on Fire”. 

You may think to yourself, “Jared, why are you doing this, why are you acting like a young man when you are, in fact, becoming an old one? Doing the things that young men do, wasting time, spending energy that you are running out of?”

This my friends is a good set of observations. 

Here is what I am:

I am 39, husband of a beautiful and supportive wife for 19 years. I own and run a successful IT consulting business that has taken 15 years to gain a modicum of success. I’m a lover of music. I’ve been writing poetry since I was 13. This is when my mom and dad told me that my mom was going to die from AIDS. I’ve been playing guitar (passionately and terribly) every week since I was 15. 

I’m also a survivor of the kind of childhood abuse that they make movies about. The kind of movie, that no matter the happy ending, no matter the 10 years of counseling, lawyers, police, court cases and testimonies, and court sentences, that you never feel resolution for. The kind that leaves a darkness that only truth and light can drag into oblivion. The one thing that left me intact as I passed through this hell was the love of an incredible family. They knew my worth, knew my strength and knew my path. 

My success has been measured. Any amount of success I have is from that love that couldn’t protect me from the horrible things of my past but could hold me tightly while my soul felt like it was being torn apart.  

So every horrible story you’ve seen on tv or on film, I have passed through that. It didn’t end my life and I didn’t give up the challenge that is adversity. Even though that small, violent voice said I should.

You may feel like saying right now “Jared, why are you telling me this horrible story?” or “Why are you trying to make me feel this way?”

What I’m actually doing is sharing my story and sharing my reasons for why I started a band called Jared and the Social Worker. 

This band is not Jared and the Happy Story Tellers,  Jared and the Easy Memories, Jared and the Happy Coloured Rainbow Unicorn Dancers (which was an original theoretical title we practiced with). After countless practices and rehearsals and before our first show our band name still took 6 months to create.  

This band is all about bad things happening to good people. And those good people wanting to stay good and stay on that right course regardless of the previous examples that came before. 

This band has given me a direction to help make sense of my childhood. And provided an outlet to talk to others who didn’t have it as good as I did, those that weren’t made whole. 

I know every band in the world thinks that their music is amazing. I know this. Just as I know that my music may not fit everyone’s taste. But we’ve written outstanding rock tunes, peppered with  punk ballads and dash of romance. 

You are going to love something from this album. 

On our upcoming album “Parade on Fire”, our single “Young Savages” will be available on all streaming and downloading platforms. This song is rock and Roll at it’s finest. A simple, anthemic chorus and a catchy bridge that really should be played nice and loud.

So we have a life story, a show on March 2nd, and we have a single coming out. 

You are getting this message, so you know why you are seeing what you are seeing in your Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, quora, Mewe, and other such feeds. We are giving this effort every possible chance to find success. We are advertising, posting without being spammy, and doing what we can to not be weird or rude and respecting other’s space and time.

My friends thank you for reading. Thank you for supporting and not blocking us over the last 3 years.  

For details, check out our secure site at Https:// Here you can purchase some tshirts, other music from my past project, named after my beautiful late step-father “Jared Fowler” band.

You can sign up for a newsletter type thing in your email to stay directly up to date on things. We are trying to find success in a dying industry and genre of music that almost no one listens to. I wouldn’t trade any of our tunes for the inspiration from someone I am not connected with.

If you are around the Valley, come out to the Railway Show on March 2nd. It’s going to be a show stopper. We are so stoked, and our promoters are stoked to see how well our turnout can be. This is the kind of show, we need absolutely everyone to show up for. This is the kind of show, the takes JATSworker to the next level. So you have a simple choice, encourage our groupthink delusion, or silently watch a train wreck of success.

Our Facebook March 2nd Event page is here

Our Facebook page is also here

I love you friend, Thanks for reading.  Thank you for not blocking, sorry if you do.

January 25, 2019 / Jared Palfrey

We have our first single tune release happening on March 2nd, at the Railway Club. Young Savages is coming out!

My band Jared and the Social Worker start 2019 with a release of our new single “Young Savages” on March 2nd.

It was written for the youth of today and tomorrow. It was inspired by the book written by William Golding called “Lord of the Flies”. The book describes youth on an island, that when left without adult direction, they turn into murderous savages and civilization for them crumbles.

Jared and the Social Worker song “Young Savages” was written as a commentary for children and youth that are raised without parents, or without guidance, without help or direction on how to become better than their teenage selves. They are raised with parents for friends, and with friends as enemies. They have become savage.

“Young Savages” is written for those people that want help, that want supervision, that want stability, knowing that their lives will be better only once they realize the growth they need to go through. I was raised the best way my single mother could. She died of AIDS when i was 15, I was given no parental direction, except that I could choose whatever way I wanted to go. I was a young savage once, and I wrote this song for those that might be just like me.

Enough pontificating, this song plays hard and is sung loud. If you come please chant the chorus with us

“We’re Young Savages!
We’re Just no ones kids
Where are the villages
We are Young Savages!”

March 2nd at the famed Railway Club, my band Jared and the Social Worker are performing our single, as well as original tunes from our up coming EP- “Parade on Fire.”

The show lineup will include:

Keith Kiss Me
Jared and the Social Worker
Cheese Haüg

This day will be the actual release to all digital play for our tune, found across all platforms that play such things amazingly.

Come and Listen to this epic night of music. Share this event if you can’t!
Visit our website for more information and to stay current with all our events, merch, tunes, releases, videos, loves and hatreds.

Like us on Facebook and IG, add me on Facebook, enjoy our music. Do nothing or do everything. Listen to the music though.

My only ask is, please listen to it loud.

Love Jared

Facebook Link Above!

January 19, 2019 / Jared Palfrey

Meeting another a pedophile?

My children meeting a pedophile?
Becoming a wife beater?
Becoming a bad husband?
Becoming a terrible person?
Becoming a savage?
Losing my mind?
Losing my family and all that I love because of the lack of money?
Losing my friends?
Breaking Angie’s heart?
Destroying my faith?
Manipulating others directly?

Being a bad friend?
Hurting others?
Failing at fatherhood?
Failing at husbandom?
Not learning anything from your life?
Crying for no reason?
Being weak?
Being a small child?
Being a violated boy who let a man rape him?
Not confronting your fears?
Being fake?
Not saving people?
Not helping people?

These are my fears.

These are the fears in the deepest pit of my soul. I cried tonight writing them. I’m not sure why. I say that but I know why. Because it makes me feel better to know that if I can see my darkest fears ahead of me, that I can do everything I can to avoid them.

This is how I deal with my history of pain and abuse and violence and fear. I confront them and share them, so that I never feel alone with them.

Some people are born for competion. From day one they compete around everything around them.

I have never been this way and understanding it is foreign to me, like another language or breathing under water, it’s unatural.

In my simple understanding, I believe I was born to collaborate. Meaning working with others. One on one to help others, and in helping them, I am also helped. Sharing my struggles with others appropriately has been a goal. Not competing, but collaborating. Not working against but working with.

I think this is what I’m born to do. Anything outside this is foreign to me.

I work with people because I love people.

Please share with me what your darkest fears are.

December 18, 2018 / Jared Palfrey


We have made it to the FVMA awards this Wednesday! We are on the list for two categories for our new music in the Metal and Punk categories! We are so excited to even be invited! Thanks for the support team!

December 17, 2018 / Jared Palfrey

We have this new lovely website, and we have a number of lovely things happening. Please come visit us and help us enjoy even more, what we do.
Like if you can, Share if you can’t!

Love Jared

PS Here is our Cover of Post Malone – I Fall Apart

November 23, 2018 / Jared Palfrey